Les activités du Centre d’alimentation Qajuqturvik sont menées par une équipe qui partage la vision et les valeurs de notre communauté.
Beth a récemment gradué de l’Université d’Ottawa, où elle a étudié le droit. Elle a fait un stage chez Maliiganik Tukisiiniakvik et travaille actuellement, par l’entremise de l’Association du Barreau canadien, sur des questions foncières et de logement pour le compte de Lawyers for Human Rights en Afrique du Sud. Beth s’intéresse à la souveraineté alimentaire, aux droits des peuples autochtones et au droit international.
Jessie began volunteering with Qajuqturvik shortly after she moved to Iqaluit in November 2019. She also volunteers with Frontier College and Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line and is one of the cofounders of Nunavut Theatre Company. Jessie works in educational resource development and spends her free time reading, cooking for friends, and walking her dog.
Occupational Therapist
Amelia s’est impliquée au sein de Qajuqturvik depuis son arrivée à Iqaluit en 2015. Elle est aussi l’une des ergothérapeutes d’Iqaluit (desservant aussi Pangnirtung, Cape Dorset et Pond Inlet) et est passionnée par la santé, la santé mentale et les droits de la personne. Originaire de Vancouver, elle a obtenu sa maîtrise en ergothérapie à Edmonton. Elle croit au pouvoir de la communauté et au pouvoir de la bonne nourriture.
Executive Assistant, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
Former Teacher
Jane has lived most of her life in Nunavut, currently residing in Iqaluit. She is a retired teacher and has volunteered with QCFC for many years
Articling Student
Manager, Isaccie Adult Group Home
Executive Director
Rachel has worked in the education and arts fields in Nunavut for 4 years. She is passionate about food sovereignty, food literacy, and investigating how food intersects with identity. Rachel believes that connections, friendships, and movements can begin with a shared meal.
Food Access Coordinator
Nancy a commencé en tant que bénévole avant de devenir notre boulangère à temps complet. En plus de ses produits de boulangerie, elle amène une bonne dose d’humour bien nécessaire dans la cuisine.
Food Access Coordinator
Born and raised in Iqaluit, Josh enrolled in our pre-employment training program in 2019. Soon after graduating, Josh was hired as a Program Assistant where his culinary skills continued to grow. Josh now holds the position of Food Access Coordinator.
Program Assistant
Saimo has lived in Iqaluit all his life. He began coming to Qajuqturvik as a community member and soon began working in the kitchen. Saimo was one of our first training program participants and began working as a Program Assistant soon after graduating from the program.
Food Skills Coordinator
Country Food Access Coordinator
Kenny is a hunter and has lived in Iqaluit for most of his life. After working at the mines for many years and hunting part-time, Kenny joined QCFC as our Country Food Access Coordinator. Kenny is an avid fisher and enjoys spending time out on the land with his family.
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