Food boxes

Everyone should have access to good, healthy food. We provide food boxes on a pay-what-you-can basis where everyone gets the same service, regardless of income.


Piruqtuviniit Food Box

Each food box comes with 18-20 types of fruits and vegetables — enough to feed 3-4 people for a week. Boxes are pick-up only every Thursday between 11:30 and 5:30 at building 655. If you would like to set up a recurring subscription please email us at

Inuliqtait Food Box

We are changing Inuliqtait to be more responsive to our clients' needs. You no longer need to sign up in advance and you have more control over the country food you get. Simply come into our Qinnirvik Country Food and Bulk Stores during the store's operating hours and select individual packages of the Country Food you want. Each package is priced on a sliding scale to make sure Country Food is accessible to everyone. Qinnirvik is open Wednesday to Friday 11am to 6pm and Saturday 10am to 5pm. It is closed Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Qinnirvik is located at 655 Mattaq Crescent, on the other side of the same building as the food centre. It has its own entry on the side of St. Jude's Anglican Cathedral. If you have any questions you can contact Qinnirvik at 979-1369.

If you would like to know more about our food boxes, please contact us at 867.979.4863 or